Welcome to the enchanting castle village of Fighine, nestled in a hilltop forest overlooking the sweeping Val d’Chiana of Tuscany. With its looming castle and medieval houses, entering the hamlet is like stepping back in time. It’s here that you’ll meet your delightful hosts, Grazia and Cesare, for guided stroll through the hamlet, followed by a majolica painting lesson in Grazia’s inviting studio.
Learn the centuries-old techniques of transferring designs to ceramics that are then painted and fired. Grazia will take you through the entire process, step by step, as you create your own ceramic tile with colorful medieval design. After the lesson, it’s off for an aperitivo and light lunch with your hosts. Your ceramic will remain here for a bit, with Grazia, to be fired in her onsite kiln, and transformed into a glossy majolica ceramic that’s yours to keep.